Sunday, June 6, 2010


Loneliness is when you feel alone with loved ones around,
Loneliness is when you can't express your feelings to anyone for a fact that no one will understand,
Loneliness is absence of the person who was the first one to listen to everything you wanted to say,
Loneliness is smiling with tears in your eyes,
Loneliness is seeing that person online and wishing he strikes a conversation, knowing that he won't!
Loneliness is waiting for his call on your Birthday and getting disappointed,
Loneliness is wanting to wish him on his Birthday but not doing so coz he won't like it!
Loneliness is still wishing he calls on those special days, just to say a Hi!, knowing he does not remember anymore!
Loneliness is when some place reminds you of the beautiful moments spent together.
Loneliness is cursing him for the hurt, and then wishing for his well-being.
Loneliness is being happy that he's moved on, sad that you couldn't!