Thursday, December 2, 2010


Life has been too unpredictable for me- more like a mirage or an illusion!

Whenever I thought I was about to conquer a peak in my life,

It threw me deep down a valley!

Whenever I thought I am going to be lucky,

Bad luck befell me!

Whenever I thought destiny is with me,

It changed its decision!

Whenever happiness was around the corner,

How could sorrow be left behind!

Whenever I thought I am being loved,

People started hating me!

Whenever I thought I've suffered a lot,

Life didn't seem to agree with me!

But whenever life thought I am going to give up,


Whenever life gave me a trough,

I turned it into a crest!

Whenever life gave me a low,

I considered it as a high!

Whenever life gave me pain,

I made myself more tolerant!

Whenever life slashed all my hopes,

I became more obstinate to achieve it!

Whenever life told me- 'its a sunset for you!',

I replied back with- 'wait till tomorrow morning!'


Its all in your mind,

If you think you've lost, you actually have!

If you think you're inferior to anyone, it does make you inferior!

If you think you can win, you eventually will emerge as a winner!

Live, love, hope- but all on your terms!

One day life will act as you want it to! :) :)

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